3 Causes of Dry skin and how to fix them
Here are a few tips on how to identify what is causing your dry skin. Dry skin can show up seemingly out of no where, and sometimes it helps to have a few clues to solve the dry skin puzzle.
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1) Cause: over exfoliation
Now this usually occurs when you’re using a gritty exfoliant, and you’re using it every day. Over exfoliation can strip the skin of helpful natural oils and lead to peeling and dry skin.
The fix: adjust or switch
Either pull back to exfoliating once a week in the evening, making only small adjustments one week at a time.
You can switch to an active exfoliant (i.e. fruit enzymes) that aren’t as aggressive on the skin.
2) Cause: abrasive products
Abrasive products contain harsh ingredients that easily dry out the skin. This is a huge deal, because constantly being hard on your skin can throw the oil balance of your skin off entirely. It’s important to be gentle with your skin.
The fix: change or pull back
Switch to a natural product line that contains less synthetic ingredients and harsh properties. Search for a natural skincare line that contains botanical extracts and plant oils. You are part of nature and your skin will recognize ingredients from nature.
Limit usage of those harsher products and increase only under mindful watch of your skin’s response.
3) Cause: seasonal
This is often an unavoidable issue. To handle this one, be sure to work through both prevention and soothing symptoms.
The fix: extra love and attention
To work on the prevention side, be sure to use sun protection and clothing protection from the cold. Work with a humidifier in the home, and get your water so that dehydration doesn’t worsted the dry skin symptoms.
To soothe symptoms, give your skin some extra love and attention in the night time hours. Facial massage with an intense moisturizer will help to increase absorption. Also, before bed is the best time to make sure that while you sleep, your skin has the support it needs to replenish your own skin naturally.
Also, if you’re experiencing peeling, utilize a facial oil to soften texture as a spot treatment.
continued help
These are, by no means, the only reasons you can experience dry skin. However, these tips are an excellent starting place to help identify dry skin concerns.
If you would like help determining your dry skin issues, feel free to utilize our facial or virtual services.